If you haven’t been watching, now’s the time to catch up

Back on August 23rd, for our first post, I chose Sleepy Hollow as the Fall TV Show to Watch, and it’s turned out to be a good pick. Not only are ratings impressive but it’s a fun ride with great pacing. After three episodes, Fox made Sleepy Hollow the first new show of the fall to get a pick up. Instead of picking up the back nine episodes, however, they opted for a second season. That means two thirteen episode seasons are already happening and, at this rate, there will be more. Taking a card from cable and doing abbreviated seasons is a good gamble. Not only does that mean more money and effort can go into each episode, it gives fans longer to catch up, means less annoying breaks, and the story doesn’t feel stretched or repetitive. Considering it’s close ties to the good ol’ crime procedural, it’s impressive that writers have been able to avoid an overly obvious “monster-of-the-week” pattern as it is. The villains are just so bizarre and so creepily done (in a good way) that it works. Plus our main characters are interesting and complex–and often the “villain” in an episode gives us a look at one of them more closely. And, as you will see below, Walter Bishop John Noble (Fringe) is making a special appearance. Much to my dismay there isn’t a new episode for a few weeks, so if you haven’t been watching, give it a go (we are only five episodes in, although technically that’s almost halfway). If you tried it out already and weren’t sure, try it one more time. It’s hard to gauge a show on a pilot alone. Check out the promo for the next new episode if you’re still on the line. Episodes are available online and, depending on your cable, perhaps on demand.

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